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E-böcker / Barn & Ungdom

Omslagsbild för Lätkä-Lauri ja räpylän henki

Lätkä-Lauri ja räpylän henki

Menevää luettavaa nuorille urheilijoille!Helppolukuinen, vauhdikas ja runsaasti kuvitettu Lätkä-Laurin oma kirjasarja alkaa. Lukupalat-kirjoista tuttu Lätkä-Lauri selvittää, onko h ...

Omslagsbild för Nu blir det jul, Pytte!

Nu blir det jul, Pytte!

Äntligen snöar det över hästgården Granbacken. Det betyder att det snart kommer bli jul! Jul? Det har shetlandsponnyn Pytte aldrig hört talas om. De andra hästarna berättar att jul ...

Omslagsbild för Jag vågar visst

Jag vågar visst

En tidig höstkväll smyger Otis och hans storasyskon ut i skogen. De tror inte att han som är yngst kommer att våga, men det gör han visst! Vinden gör att gräset ser ut som ett kusl ...

Omslagsbild för Hilppa ja Vedenväki

Hilppa ja Vedenväki

Hilppa ja Vedenväki on tarina nuorukaisesta, joka temmataan yllättäen joenalaiseen valtakuntaan. Hilppa saa tutustua Näkkiin, Vetehiseen, Veden Emäntään ja Akviliina -nimiseen ved ...

Omslagsbild för The Nightcap of the 'Pebersvend'

The Nightcap of the 'Pebersvend'

A long time ago, in Copenhagen, there lived an old bachelor who lived alone in a small shack and always slept with a nightcap that he pulled well down over his face. People laughed ...

Omslagsbild för Hilma och den luriga ponnyn

Hilma och den luriga ponnyn

Full av förväntan kommer Hilma till det nya stallet – det ska bli spännande att träffa alla ponnyerna och få nya ridkompisar! Men saker och ting går inte alls som planerat. Hon får ...

Omslagsbild för En vimsig vinter

En vimsig vinter

Det händer mystiska saker i Vikhammar den här vintern. Vem tar alla pulkor och vart tar de vägen? Lisa bestämmer sig för att ge sig ut och jaga tjuvar, trots att hon egentligen är ...

Omslagsbild för The Seven Ravens

The Seven Ravens

Once lived a family of nine, a mother, a father, and their seven sons. The eighth child was on the way. The seven brothers got a little sister. She was however so sick that the fam ...

Omslagsbild för Two Years' Vacation

Two Years' Vacation

What about an unexpected two years’ vacation on a desert island? It may sound appealing from nowadays perspective. But when a marooned ship drifts to sea with nobody but a group of ...

Omslagsbild för Our Lady's Child

Our Lady's Child

Do you think it is possible to not confess your sins if you are about to be burnt at stake? Most probably not, right? Well the girl in our story is so stubborn that you might rethi ...

Omslagsbild för The Ice Maiden

The Ice Maiden

Rudy lived close to the little town of Grindelwald in Switzerland. He lived with his uncle as his parents were both dead. Indeed, Rudy himself had almost died at the same time as h ...

Omslagsbild för What One Can Invent

What One Can Invent

Once upon a time, a young man dreamed of becoming a writer and making a living from his pen. But there was a problem. The writers of the previous centuries had already exhausted al ...

Omslagsbild för The Toad

The Toad

A family of toads lived in a very deep well: it was so deep that, from the top, you could not even see the surface of the water. One of the young toads dreamed of knowing what ther ...

Omslagsbild för In the Duck Yard

In the Duck Yard

One day a Portuguese duck arrived at the duck house. Some said she came from Spain, but from then on all her descendants were called ‘Portuguese’. Today, there is only one Portugue ...

Omslagsbild för The Beetle

The Beetle

On the day that the emperor’s horse received his golden horseshoes as a reward for his heroic deeds, the beetle who shared his stable was very jealous. The smith refused to make sh ...

Omslagsbild för The Child in the Grave

The Child in the Grave

He had been ill a long time and God came for him – the parents and sisters of the little four-year-old boy who had died were inconsolable. No chagrin was greater than that of the b ...

Omslagsbild för Something


Once upon a time there were five brothers who had arrived at the age where they asked themselves what they would become. Each of the brothers wanted to become "something" and each ...

Omslagsbild för The Wolf and the Man

The Wolf and the Man

The wolf hears the rumor that there is no stronger being than the human. So he is determined to see for himself. One day the wolf meets a hunter with a gun and a knife. Do you thin ...

Omslagsbild för Foundling-Bird


Foundling was a little boy who was found in the forest by a kindhearted hunter. The hunter took Foundling home where he grew up with Lina, the hunter’s daughter. One day Lina heard ...

Omslagsbild för The Elves

The Elves

Do you want to hear not only one but three stories about elves?In the first story the elves are quite helpful as they help a poor shoemaker finish his tasks faster. In the second s ...

Omslagsbild för Aunty Toothache

Aunty Toothache

Aunt Mille has always told me that I have the soul of a great poet. I am not sure about this, but I love her so much that I do not dare contradict her. The reason I love her so muc ...

Omslagsbild för The Psyche

The Psyche

The star that is brightest this morning knows many things: she has watched over the earth for centuries and knows many things that we men have long forgotten. Today, she tells us t ...

Omslagsbild för Anne Lisbeth

Anne Lisbeth

Anne Lisbeth was a beautiful young woman, but she gave birth to a repugnantly ugly child. That is why she gave it into the care of the wife of a man who worked in the fields. This ...

Omslagsbild för The Cunning Little Tailor

The Cunning Little Tailor

The story that we are going to tell you is about one smart little tailor who was so wise that he managed to solve a princess’s riddle. Can you guess what the reward was? Of course ...

Omslagsbild för Godfather Death

Godfather Death

A poor man meets a dead end when he cannot decide on a godfather for his thirteenth child. He sees first the Lord but he does not think He will be a suitable godfather. Then he mee ...